Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut
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Bug Fixes
- Fixed companions not spawning correctly at HQ after dismissing them.
- Fixed disappearing perks on companions after dismissing them.
- Fixed inability to open doors in Ranger Citadel and Ag Center Central Compex after using Examine.
- Fixed Meson Cannon not properly firing on the player.
- Fixed voice-over lines not playing in some conditions after returning to a location.
- Fixed a bug which could cause Precision Strikes with melee attacks to not apply correctly in certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug with Rangers sometimes running in place when conversation or cutscene stopped them.
- Fixed a bug which could sometimes prevent selecting certain skills in the Skills screen.
- Fixed a bug which could sometimes cause the Skills Radial menu to only show Lockpicking as a valid option.
- Improvements to voice-over 2D/3D sound positioning in conversations and barks.
- Increased the effects of Manic Depressive to +2/-2 to Attributes, to make it a bit more compelling to select.
- Reduced the effects of Disparnumerophobia to +1/-1 to Attributes.
- Increased the Applied Force line of perks slightly.
- Increased time range for Animal Husbandry effects to take place.
- Increased Tactical Positioning damage bonus slightly.
- Increased the Whack-a-Mole bonus to Chance to Hit slightly.
- Increased the Bomberman bonus to Area of Effect range slightly.
- Increased the Long Arm bonus to Throw Distance range slightly.
- Increased the Loose Change drop chance slightly.
- Increased the bonus granted by Intimidating, Affable and Know-it-All, to make them more compelling to select.
- Reduced the Improvised Explosives salvage chance slightly.
- Removed Friendly Fire chance from Master Hunter entirely.
- Fixed Bandit line of perks to no longer affect Submachine Guns.
- Increased the Bandit line of perks bonus attack chance.
- Opportunist now shows the correct bonus damage. The text was previously incorrect.
- Increased the effective range of Opportunist bonus damage slightly.
- Increased Big Game Hunter and Roboticist bonus damage.
- Updated the Alarm Disarming line of perks, Ghost and Quick Reflexes. Ghost is now placed at a lower skill requirement and Quick Reflexes now grants permanent bonus Evasion. This should make them more compelling to take.
- Removed Conductive flag from Goat Hide Armor, since it's not made out of metal.
- Improved some old unique weapons so that they are more worthwhile to use.
- Removed an erroneous 1.2x Field Medic skill multiplier on Mysophobic. The flat bonus healing effects still remain as described.