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1775: Rebellion

Also known as:
HexWar Games
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Patch 1.03

Author: Administrator Date: 29.05.17 System:
  • Added a new reference section to the manual which includes a list of the dice faces for each of the factions and also a complete card library.
  • Improved map zoom with the mouse wheel so it should work regardless of what the mouse cursor is over.
  • Fixed an issue with the victory achievements not triggering correctly.
  • Fixed and issue with one of the land connections between Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
  • Fixed an issue with game stats not being loaded correctly from saved games and in multiplayer (ie. the amount of cards played, battles won etc.)
  • Fixed and issue whereby joystick input could cause the map to keep scrolling incorrectly.
  • Volume sliders take effect as they are moved rather than when the settings are saved.
  • All sounds effects should now be controlled correctly by the effects volume in the settings menu (including the muskets sounds on the title screen!)

In future updates, we are planning to release a Linux version of the game and also make further improvements to the AI as well as fix any other issues that come up of course!

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