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Civil War Battles: Campaign Peninsula

Also known as:
John Tiller
HPS Simulations
Release date:
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patch 1.02

Author: Administrator Date: 21.12.17 System:
Changes for Campaign Peninsula 1.02
    - Additional of new optional Target Density rule which causes
      increased fire value against targets with more than 2/3 maximum
      stacking in hex.
    - New optional Bridge Limit and Repair rule that allows damaged bridges
      to be repaired and imposes bridge strength limits on movement (see
      Movement section of Users Manual for more information).
    - Change to Disruption recovery determination so that Artillery units use
      their Morale rating for the recovery test (see Command section of
      Users Manual).
    - Added optional Night Movement Fatigue rule.

Changes for Campaign Peninsula 1.01
    NOTE: map changes in this version may cause problems for games in progress.
    Before applying this update, you may wish to complete any existing battles
    to avoid any potential problems caused by map changes in this update
    (see below).
    - Map Changes:
	- Removed Outer Line from Seven Pines map (wasn't constructed until
	- Completed curtain connecting forts of the Intermediate Line in all
	- Added Union siege battery emplacements north of New Bridge after
	  Seven Pines.
	- Added minor changes to maps, ex. 3d church icon.
	- Added more breastworks to west end of Gaines's Mill historical
    - Corrected battery positions and number of guns at Chaffin's Bluff.
    - Used fixed unit/releases to simulate bridge repair for Savage Station
    - Adjusted Historial Gaines's Mill scenario 3b. to prevent fixed unit
    - Gunboat stacking is limited to two per hex.
    - Added gunboat artillery loses to count for victory points.
    - Added the ability to create 2 hour night turns. (.pdt file)
    - Leaders, supply wagons, and limbered arty will not prevent a 
      defending unit from retreating after a lost melee.
    - Supply wagons will have the option of counting toward victory points.
    - Defending units will now fire at 100% as a result of melee.
    - A/I Artillery will only fire at valid targets.   
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