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Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear!

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Patch 1.36

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

• Improvements
o Added check box to allow game to play system beep whenever a player posts a new chat message in lobby.
o Added preference to allow all units to be displayed above all scenery models.
o Now positioning carried units atop the unit carrying them (chit view).
o Extra 1d6 APs card now gives APs to all units in group. However it adds them as if from CAPs, so these APs are lost if the group is disbanded.
o Interface now shows name of carried unit on the unit tooltip.
o Added some missing damage types (including Berserk).
o In tutorial scenarios the AI no longer receives extra units or CAPs regardless of difficulty settings.
o Added preference for "Brown Height Shading." Note that this preference may not take effect until the game is reloaded.
o Added terrain sculpting controls to the editor.
o Enter "sculpting mode" from the Terrain menu. Use left and right mouse buttons to raise and lower terrain in a hex.
o Added hot keys ">" and "<" to raise and lower terrain respectively.
o Use "Editor | Rebuild Height" to smooth the terrain heights.
o Improved the chit model and added a system of dynamic numbers on the chit, so that if a unit's statistics change during play the numbers on the chit will reflect this change.
o Added "Board Game Style Maps" and "Giant Maps" preference which allows the original ATB firefights to be played with board game style maps.

• Rules Changes
o The target of a Rally Attempt or Auto Rally card is in an active group, the entire group is the target of the card.
o In Classic APs, using the pass action now finishes the activation of the currently selected unit(s).

• Bug Fixes
o Fixed load button being enabled when unit is immobilize.
o Fixed transparent map issue.
o Changed font in game news.
o Group pivot cost is now 1 AP.
o Group activating a unit will now add the unit carried or the carrier unit to the
o group
o Group hiding now properly hides all valid members of the group.
o Added Pz38t to Monsters (including tutorial version)
o PageUp/Down should work for top-down camera.
o Firing no longer works during bonus move.
o Tutorials should clear when exiting scenario early.
o Fixed crash bugs.
o Now can’t load two units onto one unit.
o Fixed extra action card and CAP bugs when loading save from within the game.
o Shouldn’t get VPs for destroying own units.
o Group should stay selected in the middle of move when left-clicking on ground.
o Fixed Group hiding and pivot.
o APC should be tracked not wheeled. (May not be changed in all firefights.)
o Buttons should not press when interface is hidden.
o Fixed Multiplayer save game directory error on certain machines.
o Seeding random number generator from clock.
o Fixed a bug in which groups suffering casualties could incorrectly become spent
o Fixed a bug in which a spent unit could become attached to a group during a Command or CAPs action and incorrectly become unspent
o Command actions with groups were sometimes deactivating units after the action.
o Command actions with groups were calculating the cost of actions incorrectly.
o Units low on APs could not fire during group fire.
o Units added to a group with Classic AP rules now receive the current APs of the group.
o Fixed button problem on victory screen for smaller width monitors
o Fix for bug randomizing quality of units carrying over between firefights of a campaign
o Fixes a few minor things pertinent to the Ghost Divisions.
o Numerous bug fixes including a significant improvement to memory management that should reduce out-of-memory crashes
o Improved some memory usage and garbage collection methods.

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